Claims Automation
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Published on
March 4, 2025
On-demand Webinar: AI & Claims - Claims management automatiseren met AI

Ontdek hoe AI-gedreven automatisering je claims processen kan transformeren en optimaliseren. In deze webinar bespreken we strategieën voor succes en efficiëntie in claims management. Leer hoe je de juiste AI-partner kiest, verandermanagement implementeert en naadloze integratie bereikt. Bereid je voor op een toekomst van verbeterde nauwkeurigheid, kostenreductie en klanttevredenheid.

Wat je leert:

- Hoe u de juiste AI-automatiseringspartner kiest
- Effectieve strategieën voor verandermanagement
- Naadloze integratie voor meer efficiëntie


Meet the Speakers

Tom Berntsen
Sales Executive

In his role as Sales Director for Europe at Simplifai, Tom Berntsen is passionate about helping the Banking and Insurance industry to innovate through the implementation of AI & GPT technology.

Jeremy van Vugt
Sales Executive

Jeremy van Vugt is Business Development Manager at Simplifai, based in Utrecht. Jeremy has experience as a customer of Simplifai in implementing AI solutions within an organization. Currently, Jeremy is also helping other companies within Simplifai to make their AI projects successful.

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Claims Automation
Written by
Published on
March 4, 2025
On-demand Webinar: AI & Claims - Claims management automatiseren met AI

Meet us at the event:

Tom Berntsen

Sales Executive

In his role as Sales Director for Europe at Simplifai, Tom Berntsen is passionate about helping the Banking and Insurance industry to innovate through the implementation of AI & GPT technology.

Jeremy van Vugt

Sales Executive

Jeremy van Vugt is Business Development Manager at Simplifai, based in Utrecht. Jeremy has experience as a customer of Simplifai in implementing AI solutions within an organization. Currently, Jeremy is also helping other companies within Simplifai to make their AI projects successful.

Subscribe for latest news and updates

Claims Automation
Written by
Published on
March 4, 2025
On-demand Webinar: AI & Claims - Claims management automatiseren met AI

Tom Berntsen
Sales Executive

In his role as Sales Director for Europe at Simplifai, Tom Berntsen is passionate about helping the Banking and Insurance industry to innovate through the implementation of AI & GPT technology.

Jeremy van Vugt
Sales Executive

Jeremy van Vugt is Business Development Manager at Simplifai, based in Utrecht. Jeremy has experience as a customer of Simplifai in implementing AI solutions within an organization. Currently, Jeremy is also helping other companies within Simplifai to make their AI projects successful.

Tom Berntsen
Sales Executive
Jeremy van Vugt
Sales Executive

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